Monday, August 18, 2008

Things I did NOT do while my children were gone

This is a very healthy thing for me to do so judgement isn't a option. You can't ever tell me you have ever NOT done something you thought you SHOULD do, or have a sink full of dishes.
Did NOT do dishes

Did NOT clean my room

Or Bathroom

Did NOT study for this...

Did NOT read this (even though I should, my brain feels like it's switched off! I am still trying to figure out who switched it off! There must be someone to blame.)

Did NOT water or weed my garden

Did NOT plant grass in the back field.

But alas, it is Friday and MOST of them are done, except for the fixing my brain part. My children and I are better for it! So go out there and NOT do something today you think you SHOULD. I dare you.


Anonymous said...

Angela, you are so fun. I always knew that!!!! I did not fix breakfast for Dad, because I am busy looking at blogs. But, I will do it now. Love you, Mom