Sunday, February 21, 2010

What we are doing update

Silence on the blog front = Us truly living. Ashalee has successfully finished her Sophomore year at Tuachan high school. She loves the school, she was in the play once on this island and in choir and dance this year. Andrew just finished 7th grade. This year was a much better year for him. He is doing great at making the adolescent transition...I decided he does much better if I just keep my mouth shut. Adam just finished sixth grade. He loved it and is Mr. social all the time. I am still working at ekmf as the child advocate and loving my job. My children's program is growing unbelievably, I actually believe I am helping change lives. I work with 52 children ages birth to 18. I am STILL in school for my masters but am happy to report that I have 8 months of course work left, then on to my internship where I am actually able to do counseling. Michele is working at the college and developing a awesome new program for students who are entering developmental math. She is also working at the ekmf with me as the Director of operations, which has made my job so much less complicated. She is amazing as always.
Most importantly through all the struggles and crazy making of life we are still alive and smiling most days. And on days we are not smiling we are crying and that to is OK.