Thursday, February 14, 2008


What can I say about this little, well not so little boy that has a heart of gold. He has consistent, real conversations with God and his relationship with him is something I admire. He finds the good in everyone and everything. He is motivated and upbeat about almost everything in his world. He is a sensitive guy who considers the feelings of others. He has a temper and is learning how to express his feelings appropriately and I love watching him being able to control himself. He sings opera in the shower, kitchen, his bedroom, the car and has a beautiful voice. He still likes to hug and kiss his Mom and doesn't mind showing affection. He has a million "ideas" and a mind full of creative things he is going to accomplish and he will. He is a wiz at math. He hates cursive. He wants to save the world. He is learning to listen to his gut and follow his heart. There is so much more to say about him. Everyday with him is a privilege and I love him.