Thursday, February 19, 2009

Face the Music

So I signed up for facebook last week. It's quite a trip and leaves me feeling like I am in high school again. So I guess how it works is you send out friend requests to people you know and they can either accept you or reject you as a friend...sound familiar anyone? Talk about returning back to the primitive, lower, miserable social hierarchy.... *********H I G H S C H O O L***********
So my normally secure self has become a somewhat insecure, neurotic person who talks to herself. OUT LOUD! Me checking my e-mail..You will need a code to read this. RMe= reasonable me and SRME= socially retarded me

RMe: So I sent whatshername a friend request four days ago and she hasn't responded...I wonder what's up?

SRME: I will tell you what's up, she hates your guts and thinks you are a ignorant stupid person now and in high school.

RMe: I don't remember her hating me in high school she is probably busy and just hasn't checked her mail in a while.

SRME: Whatever this is facebook EVERYONE checks their facebook..anyone cool anyway. Face the facebook music. SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU!

RMe: This is extremely ridiculous. If she doesn't want to add me as "her friend" then I most likely wouldn't want her to be "my friend".

SRME: My point exactly..she doesn't want to be your friend..didn't you break her nose in softball? Or was she the girl that you colored in her teeth in your year book?

RMe: I have never done that! Well I did break someones nose..on accident.

SRME: Maybe she didn't add you as a friend because you are clumsy and when it comes down to it, just not cool enough.

RMe: waving my white flag You are probably right..shut up please.

Pathetic and sad I know. Can you believe a insignificant online social network website could make me feel so crazy? Apparently, I need to re look at my high school years to see where all of this insane insecurity is coming from. Which means I need to work a second job to pay for more therapy...
SRME: What if the new therapist is your high school homecoming queen?
RMe: Never mind, I will just take up drinking.


Brenda said...

You are so right! Like you I am new to FB and you get worried when you don't hear from your friend request. Stupid, I know!

Your yard is beautiful by the way, are you living up in Springdale?

britentj said...

Can I join you on the drinking,, dr phil doesnt seem to be much help these days!!

Ray and Mickie said...

You crack me up, but I agree 100%. In fact I am so R-tarded at the facebook thing and facing the music, that I have mainly just kept to the relatives as my friends side, that way I don't have to be hurt when they refuse my friendship (sob-snif-sob). How pathetic am I? P.S. can I be your friend and facebook?

HaroldandLoretta said...

Angela, we love you. we love to read your cute blog. This fb thing. Eric said he was on it, so I thought I will see what it is all about. Crazy! I don't know what writing on someone wall means? How about getting hugged? I think I will stick to our blog. I think I sent you a note on fb, but I never heard anything back. Now I feel unloved!!! Your crazy Mom Like insecure Mom like insecure. daughter tee hee