Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Warning Gory Picture

Andrew REALLY wants me to post this so here goes. He was riding on the back of his friend's bike and going down a pretty steep hill and fell off, knocked himself out got up holding his eye and fell down again. This resulted in a pretty big gash just below his eye brow and major road rash on his cheek and stomach. Andrew calls them war wounds. Please pray he will make it living until his eighteenth birthday, he is quite the dare devil. I am thinking tackle football might curb his desire to do dangerous things a little bit. So after four hours in the emergency room, a ct scan and a whole bunch of stitches this is the results. It looks really good now and has mostly healed. He is quite the guy, the day after it happened he was riding his bike, skate boarding and running. Thank goodness skiing season is over.


Melissa said...

ANDREW!!!OH MY GOODNESS! I only have one request, a follow up picture. I have to see with my own two eyes that the boy was able to heal from that crazy "oh noooooooo accident.

Melissa said...

ANDREW!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! I only have one request, a follow up picture. I need to see with my own two eyes that Andrew has been able to heal from his "OH NOOOOOO" incident.

Ray and Mickie said...

That looks very painful. What a trooper. I love that boys are so tuff, and brave. I can't wait for Jake to get bigger, and have the opportunity to do things that try his bravery. Good luck with your healing Andrew.